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LPAT口試一場頓悟 My epiphany on LPAT Speaking


(English version follows)




LPAT口試短講部分是考你組織能力,讓學生和同事在沒有文字的輔助下,只聽也聽得出你的結構布局和巧妙謀篇,考你引入、過渡、層次、鋪排、收結和伏筆(不只是頭中尾)。例如要有先吸引聽眾注意、提供背景資料、簡易要旨和短講結構、描述問題(用‘detrimental’, ‘sabotage’, ‘antithesis’, ‘fraught’等字眼)、提供示例、向不同的持份者提供建議(用'ripe', 'holistic', 'pledge', 'allay', 'robust', 'mull', 'deterrent', 'yield' etc.等字眼)、駁論(用'to barely hold water', 'to think in binary')、以退為進、結尾要總結全文、呼應開首、發人深省拓展思考。

LPAT口試短講部分也是考你措辭句式,要求除文憑試程度的passive voice, inversion, relative clauses, participle phrases, question tags, cleft sentences, adverb clauses, as if, parallelism, appositive, elliptic structure, meronyms外,也展示pseudo-passive, that-clause as subjects, verbless clauses/absolute phrases, extraposition, coordination, cognate subjects,和這些遣詞semi-modal verbs, collocation, idioms, proverbs,要有變化多端文筆,以配合措辭語氣。










- Making students future ready

- Whether paper-print textbooks should be replaced by electronic textbooks  

- Apprenticeships vs traditional schooling, whether getting a university degree is necessary

- Should there be compulsory cooking classes?

- Promoting enjoyment in learning/ improving classroom atmosphere

- A radio station or TV station or YouTube channel for students

- Promoting problem-solving and design thinking

- Attention, flow, focus

- Emotional intelligence / adversity quotient

- Promoting entrepreneurial spirit/ leadership

- University students not graded on their attendance in classes

- Students and parents texting parents after school hours

- Should students’ first language be used in English classrooms?

- Promote more opportunities for students to practice languages inside and outside of the classroom

- Procrastination 







劍橋大學英語母語畢業生Past paper示範:

Elizabeth on the Train (2018 past paper unpublished):

A rude guest (2015 past paper)

Super-frog Saves Tokyo (HKEAA sampler)


YouTube channel 按此







LPAT短講九部曲 (加五種連接詞以外的銜接工具)按此

Level 4.5 作答稿表現示例 (2013-2019歷年試題)按此



多采的辭采文藻,令你妙筆生花 按此  ​按此


LPAT實用詞彙即記即用 (連結一 連結二 連結三):


運用同義詞、轉喻、下位詞和改述 (synonym, meronym, hyponym and paraphrase) :

 (例: ‘I learnt the piano for six years. I was tired of touching the keyboard, but my mother encouraged me to take Grade 3 examinations when I was fourteen. After failing Grade 3, I stopped playing the instrument. I do not dare to play the horrible thing even now.” [Grade 3 (meronym), the keyboard (meronym), the instrument (hyponym), the horrible thing (paraphrase)] 2 pages of sophisticated vocabulary)




(例:‘For teachers, using technologies is like rocket science; whereas for students, it is a piece of cake.’ Or ‘When it comes to examination strategies, it is important that you don’t burn the midnight oil, don’t put all the eggs in one basket, and don’t cry over split milk after the exam.’)

LPAT高級詞彙 (連結一  連結二中英對照  連結三native speaker級)




  • Pseudo-passive: That bed was slept in by Monroe.

  • Causatives: I had the janitor clean the desk. / I had the desk cleaned.

  • Conditional without if: Were I you, I would download the resources.

  • No sooner … than, Hardly/scarcely…when: No sooner had I arrived at the centre than the invigilator collapsed, Hardly/ Scarcely had I arrived at the centre than the invigilator collapsed.

  • That-clause as subjects, e.g. That the student had an SEN became obvious.

  • Semi-modal verbs: had better, would rather

  • Verbless clause/ absolute phrase: His face red with rage, the naughty student punched his prefect.

  • Extraposition: The interviewer made it clear that I was qualified.

  • Coordination: Neither the principal nor the vice-principal was (X were) responsible.

  • Cognate objects: She laughed a contrived laugh.












  • 以不同工具評估問題的嚴重性及提出相關例子

  • 分析現象的遠因、近因和導火線

  • 說明如果現象持續存在的後果

  • 針對問題成因,提出解決方案及向不同持分者(如管理層、下屬、家長、學生)提供短中長期建議

  • 如沒有治標辦法,則針對後果,提出緩害措施

  • 考慮資源、資金、協調、不同利益相關者的意見、可行性、理想與實施之間的差異等





  • 籌備各種活動(如周年慶)(目標、活動對象、時間線、節目亮點或噱頭、設計心思、成本控制、物流安排、組織及分工、項目管理、宣傳等)

  • 推廣各種「新猷」(如健康校園、廣泛閱讀、創意解難、STEM、溝通、領袖才能、自主學習、班級經營、班寵物等)











  • 把同事發言內容拉回實際情況

  • 把討論帶向共識,而非泛泛而談

  • 將時間交回被其他人打斷的同事

  • 迴避其他同事提出的難答問題

  • 解決分歧並在合適時候令雙方都在細微問題上作些讓步,達到大家都同意的決定(例如說'What is it about my/the/his/her suggestion that sounds unreasonable to you? How can we make it more palatable to you?')

  • 使用口語慣用語,例如'there you have it' 而非 'I agree with you'.


50+ LPAT層次溝通策略(加例句)按此




  • 到達試場前、後、在候試室內可以做什麼最後準備?

  • 除了準考證和身份證外,還應該帶什麼?

  • 朗讀(1A)和短講(1B)部分一起考,在理想情況下,每個部分應花多少分鐘?

  • 如果討論中只有3個考生而不是4個,應該發言多少分鐘?



繁此總總集大成All in ONE:




(超過40個檔案仔細分成6個資料夾:貼題、朗讀、短講、討論、Level 4.5短講稿示例(歷年試題) 、臨考最後準備)





常用連結 Quick link

批改服務 Grading service

貼題 Topic prediction


昔日閱讀寫作口語試題及範文 LPAT past paper questions and samples

温習指南 Revision guide 

15分鐘自測 Self-test

​免費急救包 Free download

LPAT 閱讀及聆聽 LPAT Reading and Listening

LPAT口語 LPAT Speaking

LPAT 課堂語言運用 Classroom Language Assessment

LPAT 文法 Correcting and explaining errors 

The reading aloud with meaning part of the LPAT speaking test will test your ability to use voice to reenact the scene of the story. You should use your performative skills and expressive skills to convey the meaning, and recreate the tension, atmosphere, the plot, and the character’s feelings. Make good use of rhythm, tone, and pauses to match the situation, so that students can understand the story that they have never read before even if they do not understand the meaning of words. Some LPAT ‘tutors’ focused only on the phonetic technicalities instead of expressing the overall meaning of the text—that MISUNDERSTANDS THE PURPOSE OF THE ASSESSMENT. Also, according to some online tutorials, you should spend most of the time in this part, leaving little time for the next part! In fact, you should spend around 2 minutes in the reading aloud part only.


The speech section of the LPAT speaking assessment is to test your organization ability, so that students and colleagues can understand your structure and layout without the aid of printed words. A coherent speech features an introduction which captures attention, provides essential background information, previews the layout, states a punchy thesis, foreshadowing, smooth transition, layering, a reasonable layout, concession, rebuttal, an insightful closing which echoes the introduction, expands the discussion, and provokes reflection.  Don’t forget to describe the problem with words like ‘detrimental’, ‘sabotage’, ‘fraught,’ and ‘antithesis’; make suggestions to different stakeholders using words like 'ripe', 'holistic', 'pledge', 'allay', 'robust', 'mull', 'deterrent', 'yield' etc.; and rebut with phrases like 'to barely hold water', and 'to think in binary'.


The speech part of the LPAT speaking test also tests variety in vocabulary and grammar. DSE patterns won’t impress the invigilators: passive voice, inversion, relative clauses, participle phrases, question tags, cleft sentences, adverb clauses, as if, parallelism, appositive, elliptic structure, meronyms. Jazz up your speech with pseudo-passive, that-clause as subjects, verbless clauses/absolute phrases, extraposition, coordination, cognate subjects, semi-modal verbs, collocation, idioms, proverbs, etc.


The group discussion of the LPAT speaking exam is meant to be a simulated school subject panel or committee meeting. You are expected to work with a group of ‘colleagues’ who  shares a common goal but also have conflicting opinions. To get Level 4  (the qualification to become a English Panel Chair), you need to demonstrate not only insights expected of a middle manager, and knowledge and understanding of teaching in real Hong Kong primary or secondary contexts, but you also need to lead your team towards the consensus, by negotiating with them to make some small concessions when disagreements arise.


Therefore, the LPAT oral test does not bias native speakers: it is a test of your ability to actually use language at work as a teacher.


So, here is what you need:


Latest topic prediction:

After intensive analysis of a large amount of past paper, we predict HKEAA to include something like the following in this years’ discussion topics:


- Making students future ready

- Whether paper-print textbooks should be replaced by electronic textbooks  

- Apprenticeships vs traditional schooling, whether getting a university degree is necessary

- Should there be compulsory cooking classes?

- Promoting enjoyment in learning/ improving classroom atmosphere

- A radio station or TV station or YouTube channel for students

- Promoting problem-solving and design thinking

- Attention, flow, focus

- Emotional intelligence / adversity quotient

- Promoting entrepreneurial spirit/ leadership

- University students not graded on their attendance in classes

- Students and parents texting parents after school hours

- Should students’ first language be used in English classrooms?

- Promote more opportunities for students to practice languages inside and outside of the classroom

- Procrastination 


These are just some of the predicted topics. We’ve done the research on these and more topics and collected some vocabulary items, interesting ideas, etc.

Get them here:


Meeting/ discussion (insights):

In discussion, you’ll probably talk about some educational issues, e.g. how to improve students’ performance in some aspect, or how to change some school policy. Some candidates struggle to find something interesting and relevant to say, especially those who do not have experience in administration, policy or management in primary or secondary schools.


We plough through the past paper and do the research for you. In order to talk about an educational issue in a thoughtful and strategic way, you need to:

  • assess the seriousness of a problem

  • raise relevant examples

  • analyze reasons of phenomenon

  • warn of consequences if the phenomenon persists

  • propose solutions

  • offer suggestions to different stakeholders

  • giving advice to school management, colleagues, parents, or students

  • consideration resources, funding, coordination, views of different stakeholders, feasibility, the difference between the ideal case and implementation, etc.


You need analytical tools and frameworks at hand for different question types so as to sound smart and qualified to be a panel head (Level 4 benchmark),  


The topic may not be about a policy though. The other question types may include:

  • organizing activities, e.g. to celebrate a school anniversary (objective, target participants, timeline, programme highlight, gimmick, design thinking, coordination, project management, time control, division of labour, logistics, promotion, etc.)

  • promotional campaigns, e.g. to promote reading, healthy lifestyle, independent learning, classroom unity, leadership, creativity, problem-solving, class pet

  • talking about benefits and drawbacks of a school policy, e.g. introducing class pets)


Remember, if you’re ideas are not just practical, but also creative, then you can score better! To give you an example, if you are asked to talk about methods to promote reading, don’t talk about things like

  • book exhibitions

  • author talk

  • book sharing

  • reading time

Say something like

  • using VR and AR to immerse students in fictional worlds

  • get teachers and students to dress up as their favourite book characters

  • install QR codes around the campus for students to discover trivia about books


For more ideas on gimmicks and highlights:


Meeting/ discussion (leadership and interaction with peers):

In an LPAT discussion, you can’t just agree or disagree with others and then voice your own view. They expect true interactions and communication. If you want to get Level 4 (the qualifying benchmark for Panel Chair), you also need to demonstrate practical negotiation skills and on-the-spot contingency strategies for school meetings, allowing you to persuade colleagues and impress the marker, for example, you need to:


  •  contextualize ideas

  • move the discussion towards a focused outcome

  • direct the flow of interaction

  • hand the floor back to the interrupted colleague

  • side-step from a challenging question from a competitive candidate

  • present counterarguments

  • resolve disagreement and mediate between two different perspectives

  • negotiate and offer to make a concession (e.g. by saying 'What is it about my/the/his/her suggestion that sounds unreasonable to you? How can we make it more palatable to you?')

  • Make sure you use idiomatic expressions like 'there you have it,' instead of 'I agree with you'.


50+ LPAT-level communication strategies and useful expressions:


Speech (grammatical variety):

HKEAA expects more advanced sentence patterns in LPAT. Jazz up your speech with these advanced grammatical patterns:

  • Pseudo-passive: That bed was slept in by Monroe.

  • Causatives: I had the janitor clean the desk. / I had the desk cleaned.

  • Conditional without if: Were I you, I would download the resources.

  • No sooner … than, Hardly/scarcely…when: No sooner had I arrived at the centre than the invigilator collapsed, Hardly/ Scarcely had I arrived at the centre than the invigilator collapsed.

  • That-clause as subjects, e.g. That the student had an SEN became obvious.

  • Semi-modal verbs: had better, would rather

  • Verbless clause/ absolute phrase: His face red with rage, the naughty student punched his prefect.

  • Extraposition: The interviewer made it clear that I was qualified.

  • Coordination: Neither the principal nor the vice-principal was (X were) responsible.

  • Cognate objects: She laughed a contrived laugh.


More advanced grammar patterns with examples:


Advanced grammatical items arranged using FUNNY ACRONYMS for easy memory


50+ sentence patterns are nearly arranged in 4 stages (introduction, elaboration, transition and conclusion) so you use them in the same order as you can see (also helps you organize and develop your paragraph so that the ideas flow more smoothly)


Reading aloud:

Adjust your tempo to suit the character, e.g. old and thoughtful people speak more slowly; turn up your volume if the character is angry or excited; make a pause before an important point to create suspense.

Fascinate the students/examiner with your performative skills; past paper demonstrations:


Elizabeth on the Train (2018 past paper unpublished):


A rude guest (2015 past paper ):


Super-frog Saves Tokyo:

Like and subscribe to the channel to be always updated:


Expressive and performative skills:


Speech (organization):

LPAT level organization and cohesion should NOT be achieved just by “gluing” words together using connectives, discourse markers, signpost expressions, etc. There needs to be careful arrangement of the structure, creation of layers, mastery of a variety of rhetoric and discourse techniques. Make sure you don't run out of things to say or start rambling after a minute or 2 by sticking to a organizational framework.


A template of 9 steps to follow (plus, 5 types of cohesive devices apart from connectives):


Level 4.5 speaking exam scripts samples (2013-2019 past paper):


Speech (vocabulary):

LPAT-level phrases and expressions galore:


Utilizing synonym, meronym, hyponym and paraphrase to enhance vocabulary, e.g. ‘I learnt the piano for six years. I was tired of touching the keyboard, but my mother encouraged me to take Grade 3 examinations when I was fourteen. After failing Grade 3, I stopped playing the instrument. I do not dare to play the horrible thing even now.” [Grade 3 (meronym), the keyboard (meronym), the instrument (hyponym), the horrible thing (paraphrase)] 2 pages of sophisticated vocabulary):


Idioms, proverbs and collocations designed for educational speeches, e.g. ‘For teachers, using technologies is like rocket science; whereas for students, it is a piece of cake.’ Or ‘When it comes to examination strategies, it is important that you don’t burn the midnight oil, don’t put all the eggs in one basket, and don’t cry over split milk after the exam.’


What happens on the day of the exam?

Here are some common questions asked about the speaking exam:

  •    What last-minute preparation can I do before and after arriving at the examination centre, and in the waiting room?

  •    What should I bring apart from the admission form and ID card?

  •    Reading aloud (Part 1A) and Speech (1B) are combined. In the ideal situation, how many minutes should I spend on each part?

  •    How many minutes should I speak if there are only 3 candidates instead of 4 in the discussion?



Everything you need for your LPAT exam:

Free resources:


All in ONE package so you can download all the resources mentioned in the links above at once (time-limited discount applies, except demonstration videos):

40+files neatly organized into 6 folders: Topic prediction, Reading aloud, Presentation, Discussion, Past paper presentation model scripts (Level 4.5, previous past paper), On the day of the LPAT speaking exams


All the best!



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